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Koncepcia knihy bola postavená na líniách života, ktoré priamo reflektujú životné štádiá Alexandra, predstaviteľa príbehu. Tieto štádiá sú symbolizované v štyroch kapitolách a sú zobrazené horizontálnymi líniami. Tieto línie sa postupne menia a dynamizujú, tak ako aj jeho život v týchto kapitolách. Kniha je tlačená jednou farbou a v celej publikácii je použitý font Adagio Serif Script.
Kniha Štyri nočné obdobia je sebareflexiou moderného muža, ktorý odhaľuje svoje vnútro až na kostnú dreň. Rozprávanie o živote so ženami a medzi ženami je katalyzované sexom, láskou, peniazmi, úspechom… Ale aj samotou, zúfalstvom, nepochopením a prehrami.
Alexander Pavlov je úspešný, cynický a bezohľadný muž. Cestu životom si razí s matematickou presnosťou. Citlivo totiž nahmatal pulz doby a pochopil, ako funguje. V skutočnosti je však osamelý. Aj keď sú okolo neho ľudia, je naozaj sám. Všetko empatické v sebe potláča už odmalička, pretože pochopil, že dnešný svet nehu a jemnosť nepotrebuje. Málokomu dovolí, aby sa k nemu dostal blízko. Paradoxne sú to ženy, ktoré to dokážu ako jediné. Z črepov, ktoré po takýchto stretnutiach ostávajú, sa pokúša vyskladať vlastné zrkadlo, aby pochopil, kým vlastne je.
žáner: román | vydané: 2017, Ikar (SK) | prvé vydanie: 2017 | počet strán: 328 | väzba knihy: viazaná | ISBN: 978-80-551-5530-2
The concept of the book was built on the lines of life that directly reflect the life stages of Alexander, the protagonist of the story. These stages are symbolized in four chapters and are depicted by horizontal lines. These lines gradually change and become more dynamic, as does his life in these chapters. The book is printed in one colour and the Adagio Serif Script font is used throughout.
Four Seasons of Night is a self-reflection of a modern man revealing his inner self down to the marrow of his bones. The narrative of life with and among women is catalyzed by sex, love, money, success… But also loneliness, despair, misunderstanding, and loss.
Alexander Pavlov is a successful, cynical and ruthless man. He makes his way through life with mathematical precision. He has sensitively felt the pulse of the times and understood how it works. In reality, however, he is lonely. Even when people are around him, he is truly alone. He has suppressed everything empathetic in himself since he was a child, because he has understood that today’s world does not need tenderness and gentleness. He allows few people to get close to him. Ironically, it is women who are the only ones who can do it. From the shards that remain after such encounters, he tries to piece together his own mirror to understand who he really is.
Genre: novel | published: 2017, Ikar (SK) | first edition: 2017 | number of pages: 328 | binding: hardcover | ISBN: 978-80-551-5530-2